Author Archives: Michael Lloyd

Using 4K Relaxing Videos and Other Techniques to Cure Insomnia

According to the Centres of Disease for Disease Control and Prevention, in the USA more than 25% of American’s suffer from insomnia. Perhaps, more telling, 2017 research by the German Neuroscience Centre discovered that one in three people in Dubai suffers from one sleep disorder or another. What’s clear is that insomnia is a malady […]

Nature Videos Can Help You Feel Happy, Creative, Energised and More Alive

It may seem perplexing to some, but in the twenty-first century more people than ever before spend much of their lives indoors. Whether this is due to the rise of the internet age, or a global aversion to bracing extreme weather is open to debate, but what cannot be argued is that if given the […]

Resurrecting the Forgotten Art of Screensavers: Create a Work of Art on Your Computer with a 4K HD Aquarium Screensaver

We all remember late 90s Windows screensavers. Sitting atop a dark background was the Windows logo clunkily bounding from one corner of the screen to another. What about the endless series of three-dimensional, multi-coloured pipes that manifested within the screen, seemingly on a journey to nowhere? We’re sure most-everyone remembers that. As indicative as these […]

The Benefits of 4K Resolution: Once You Try 4K Video Downloads You’ll Be Hooked!

In an age when new technological innovations are as commonplace as the days in the week, you’d be forgiven for letting one or two pass you by. After all, the number of so-called ‘revolutionary’ new products brought to the marketplace each year is staggering. But occasionally there’s an innovation that’s genuinely leaps and bounds ahead […]

4K Relaxation Videos To Help Calm Babies and Toddlers

videos to help babies relax

The sound of a baby crying is unmistakable to parents. The instant that they hear a loud whimper or abrupt wail, all parents spring into action whisk the little one into their arms soothing them gently. It’s an instinct that every parent has. Whenever a baby cries, the message is clear – they need comfort […]

Waiting Rooms TV Solutions

Looking for a Way to Boost Patient Satisfaction? Add Waiting Room Videos to Your Surgery As any doctor’s surgery will tell you, patient satisfaction is crucial. How patient’s feel about their level care is essential to any surgery’s continuing ability to help the community. But should effective patient care lie solely with the doctor? From a […]