Author Archives: Uscenes

Best Screensavers for Windows 10 + 11

Screensaver for Windows 10

Why Buy Windows Screensavers When You Can Find Free Ones Online? The simple answer is that Uscenes screensavers (or “screen savers” as Microsoft spells them) are higher quality. Read on to find out more, or start browsing —> Windows aquarium screensavers or Windows nature screensavers. Real Scenes Filmed in High Resolution 4K Ultra HD Most […]

Relaxing Videos Can Really Help Anyone Suffering with Bipolar and Other Mood Disorders

4K relaxation videos

Anyone living with a mood disorder of any description understands the importance of recognising symptoms and taking steps to improving their emotional well-being. In 2016 Gulf Business reported that as many as 15% of the UAE workforce suffered from mild depression, whilst 4% of the population were thought to be clinically depressed. * Now, you’d […]