How to Overcome a Fear of Flying Fast with Videos

overcome fear of flying fast

Last Updated on May 8, 2023 by Uscenes

A fear of flying is one of the more common phobias in the world, let’s explain how overcoming fear of flying fast is easy with some simple ambience videos. Studies have estimated that as many as 25% of people have a paralysing fear of stepping on an air plane and taking flight. The National Institute of Mental Health states aviophobia affects 6.5% of the population – that’s 20 million people!

In today’s global world, aviophobia can severely hinder anyone’s opportunities to live a rich and full life. Every year people who are left grounded at the airport miss out on summer holidays, catching up with loved ones scattered around the globe, and even business opportunities. For airlines please get in touch for licencing our videos or use our waiting room video for small spaces.

Is there a specific technique for overcoming fear of flying fast?

Well, whereas there isn’t one collective solution, there are several different ways that anyone can try to get themselves boarded, feeling confident and ready to travel. Various airlines have used Uscenes relaxing videos on their in-flight entertainment system. Our scenes are given their own channel names sometimes, such as Relax TV on one airline (let’s just say they are usually either 1st or 2nd in the world rankings list).

Relaxation Videos to Overcome Fear of Flying Fast

Overcome your fear of flying fast with a 4K Nature Video Download. Just download a few of our videos to your tablet or phone or laptop and watch them on the flight. You will find the 4K videos extra relaxing as they have 5.1 calming surround sound audio. They will even help you fall asleep

Calm Mindset

Any anxiety is typically exacerbated when your mind begins to contemplate a hundred different scenarios at once. The more you ruminate of what could happen, the less likely you are to act.

By practicing calm and positive thinking you can feel assured. Repeat to yourself that you can do this and everything will be fine. Clear your mind of any stress, strain and worry and you may just fine that flying is a breeze.

One of the most effective ways to cultivate inner calm is by visualising your ‘happy place.’ Whether you’re most at peace in the tranquil splendour of nature or by a roaring fireplace, imagine yourself there and any fears you have will crumble.

Having installed our videos on airlines, we have achieved great success helping passengers get over fear of flying. Calming passenger mindsets and building confidence, our 4K Ultra HD videos help to make any flight a pleasant one.

Separate Fear from Danger

Did you know that your body reacts the same way to fear as it does to potential danger? When in situations of heightened stress, it’s important to recognise your emotions – after all fear does not spell imminent danger.

Practice telling yourself that anxiety prompts your mind to race. This does not mean that you’re in danger. You are perfectly safe, despite anxiety taking hold of you. One of the most effective ways to conquer fear of flying and these emotions is to take deep breaths. Try it, you’ll be surprised just how effective controlling your breathing can be to beat fear of flying.

Don’t Let a Small Bump Alter Your Perspective

Most flights encounter turbulence in one form or another. This is a natural part of air travel. Don’t let a small in-flight bump cause your fear of flying to spike.

Remember that airplanes are the pinnacle of mankind’s technological ingenuity and innovation. They are designed to flying for hundreds of thousands of miles, and want to be in the air.

If you’re travelling and encounter turbulence, focus your mind on the 4K Ultra HD videos. You can even imagine that you’re there and not travelling on a plane. Even if only for a moment, this technique will distract you from the cabin and help you cure fear of flying in those moments when you feel vulnerable.

Overcoming a fear of flying takes bravery, positivity and will. But like any phobia, it can be done. Think of how much better you’ll feel when the world becomes your oyster and you’re free to travel wherever you want, whenever you want!

Using our videos on flights is a great idea, which is why we are on various airlines. Most recently Finnair have been using our videos, although this should have stopped by now as their middle man Gee Media refused to pay us and I caught them using one of our videos after the unpaid licence had expired.

When not on a flight it may be helpful to use drone videos, often called aerial videography videos. We don’t create drone footage but we can recommend Sky Vision in Dubai who are one of the best drone companies in the UAE. This is where we have filmed some aquariums and the Marina Bay Night video. A cityscape video from them or other drone firms could be a help as it is like facing your fear of flying by looking down from above.

Learn more about our collection of calming 4K Ultra HD videos and view a selection of exquisitely beautiful, and calming images – with Dolby 5.1 surround sound today by visiting: and take your first steps to becoming an international jet-setter!