Loop Videos For Google Chromecast Screensaver

loop video on Chromecast

Last Updated on March 1, 2023 by Uscenes

How to make a Google Chromecast video screensaver by looping videos with the media streaming stick. It plugs into your TV and allows you to view any video content played on Google Chrome (on your computer), on your TV screen. Download a video like the one above in 2 minutes and make your own Chromecast screensaver video of a cool aquarium.

The great news for people who love our video backgrounds and screensavers is that you can easily loop videos stored on your hard drive. This means our scenes from nature, virtual fish tank videos and fireplaces can be repeated continuously as Google Chromecast screensavers.

Opening, playing and looping a video stored on your hard drive

To open up a video in Google Chrome you simply hit the Ctrl+O buttons on Windows computers and laptops, or Command+O on MacBooks and iMacs. This will allow you to browse the files stored on your hard drive.

Once the video is loaded you right click anywhere on the screen and select the loop option. This will repeat the video until you stop it. There is a full screen button at the bottom right so that you don’t need to se any of the Chrome controls or top bar.

Loop a video with the TV to make a Chromecast screensaver 

This is possibly the easiest way to use our background videos as a TV screensaver. Our videos are all shot in full HD (1080p resolution). This means the file sizes would get enormous if they were very long. Therefore we make the videos 20 minutes long. The freebie is just a 3 minutes Chromecast loop video.

By looping the videos every 20 minutes you can get an almost seamless viewing experience (we take care to make the loop points as smooth as possible).

Using the Chromecast to stream and loop our videos to your HDTV is a great way to use your television for more than TV shows, movies and video games. You can download the Chrome Extension Chrome Cast on your computer which will connect to the Chromecast stick.

There is also a Chromecast app on the Google Play Store for Android tablets and smartphones. This will allow you to copy our videos to your portable device and then take it with you to stream videos as TV screensavers when on holiday or visiting a friend’s house.

Of course you can use this method to loop any type of video onto your TV screen, such as music videos. The videos we sell at Uscenes are designed to create a pleasing ambience in a room by showing an attractive piece of scenery, or a fireplace, or fish tank.

Uscenes customers have been using our Chromecast screensaver video downloads for all sorts of uses. From simply relaxing at home, to creating atmosphere at a social gathering. Many different businesses have also realised the value in our videos including hotel lobbies, restaurants and we even had a few purchases from a funeral home recently.

Start browsing for HD background videos to loop on your TV with Chromecast

At the top of this page you can select categories of videos from the menu, or check out some of our most popular titles below. Each product is a digital download which includes the 20 minute video in the universal MP4 format.

You also receive a pair of screensavers for computers (a Windows version and a Mac version). All footage is shot in full HD (1080p) so they look great even on very large TV screens.

You can test our videos by viewing the Youtube sample clips on each product page. At the bottom right click the full screen button and then stream to your TV with your Chromecast.

Many of our Youtube clips are very short but some do have the full 20 minute version (with branding). If you like what you see simply download the paid version for a small fee and you will then have the original video free from any branding.

If you don’t already own a Google Chromecast just type it into Google and you will find the Google online store for your country. Or those in the UK can click here and those in the USA can click here.

This media streaming stick costs a bargain $35 in the US and £30 in the UK direct from Google. Great value for a product which will allow you to stream any content on your computer onto your TV screens and one of the easiest ways to make a TV screensaver. There are also apps like Netflix allowing you to watch the latest movie and TV show releases.

videos to loop on chromecast

4 thoughts on “Loop Videos For Google Chromecast Screensaver

  1. Mike says:

    Can I use this as a real screensaver. Which means the fireplace or my home video comes on when I pause my TV? Or do I have to change inputs? What triggers the screen saver function ?

  2. Michael Lloyd says:

    Hi Mike.

    This does not activate automatically like a computer screensaver. I’m afraid you have to set it up (select video on computer, press repeat button and then watch on TV through Chromecast or Chromebox).

    It is not possible to have an automatic screensaver for TVs. The only platform which seems to have proper screensavers is Roku and we are looking at getting an app made for that.

  3. James Sutton says:

    Hi Garrett. Almost seamless just covers us that it will be noticeable on some videos when it loops e.g. the fish will be in a different place in an aquarium. For all intents and purposes you can think of it as seamless- as soon as the video ends it restarts. On scenery videos this is often not noticeable at all. On aquariums and fireplaces you will only spot it if starring at the screen, for a split second. You can test it for free with a sample clip from: https://www.uscenes.com/download-a-sample-mp4-video-to-test-on-your-tv/

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