Relaxing Videos Can Really Help Anyone Suffering with Bipolar and Other Mood Disorders

4K relaxation videos

Last Updated on August 25, 2018 by Uscenes

Anyone living with a mood disorder of any description understands the importance of recognising symptoms and taking steps to improving their emotional well-being.

In 2016 Gulf Business reported that as many as 15% of the UAE workforce suffered from mild depression, whilst 4% of the population were thought to be clinically depressed. * Now, you’d be forgiven for thinking this doesn’t sound like a lot of people, but shouldn’t every resident in the UAE be free from anxiety, depression, and associated mental disorders?

Without a sound coping strategy, stress and anxiety can quickly escalate into deeper problems. Anyone, regardless of their background and lifestyle can suffer from mental illness. We’re not saying that environment and experience don’t play a role in our emotional well-being, but it’s important to be aware that mental illness doesn’t discriminate.


Lifestyle and Sound Emotional Health Helped with Relaxing Videos of Nature

Should you feel your emotional health begin to suffer, it’s paramount that you recognise the symptoms and act. For some, this means seeking someone to talk to. Others need a more concerted approach to treatment.

Those with a mood disorder, like depression, anxiety or bipolar disorder may need to think about therapy and medication to avoid the onset of aggressive negative emotions that, if left untreated, can fester and drastically compromise mental health.

Believe it or not, light boards are highly recommended as effective treatment for mood disorders. Able to lift moods, physicians have long endorsed light therapy. However, light boards cannot transport you to a place of quietude – where you can focus on rejuvenating your mind and spirit. Relaxing UHD videos can.

Perhaps it’s not hyperbole to state that relaxing UHD videos ares the evolution of light therapy. Not only can this form of visual therapy influence the chemicals in your brain responsible for mood and sleep, it can instantly transform negative thought patterns by implanting an exquisite and relaxing image in your mind.


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Uscenes Calming Videos Help with Sleep and Mood Disorders 

Physicians have long acknowledged a distinct correlation between sleep, bipolar disorder and other mood disorders. Consistent, restful sleep can drastically improve our emotional well-being. Poor sleeping patterns can be both the cause and the result of mood disorders like bipolar.

A persistent lack of sleep can also exacerbate bipolar, and other mood disorder symptoms. Fortunately, there is an answer for anyone that has experienced night after night of staring at the bedroom ceiling waiting and willing sleep to come.

A fireplace screensaver for TV and computers, and other relaxation videos, encourage a restful nights’ sleep. Not only do they provide an external focus but, UHD 4K fireplace screensavers and videos prompt rest. Quietly engaging, these videos create an ambiance in the bedroom that encourages our eyes to feel heavy and limbs weary.


Mania and Relaxation Videos

When in a manic state, many bipolar patients report a feeling of euphoria, increased urgency to live their life and decreased capacity for sleep. However, it’s important to remember that mania has taken the wheel and is the momentum propelling us forward.

As intoxicating as a manic episode can be at the time for patients with bipolar or other mood disorders, it often disguises how truly physically and emotionally tired we are. Should you recognise that you’re in a state of mania, it’s important to take a step back and recognise that what you’re doing isn’t helpful.

However, taking that all-important step back can be difficult. You need something to help you to snap out of it. Relaxing UHD videos can give just the focus we need to stop our manic actions in our tracks and take a step back.

Indeed, you only need to gaze upon a 4K UHD coral reef or image of a marina bay whilst making the effort to force ourselves to be still and our minds calm to appreciate all the beauty in the world. This focus given to making yourself calm may just make the difference between living in a frantic state of mania for weeks and overcoming your emotions, relaxing and returning to that place of peace.

You’ll be wholly surprised the difference a fireplace screensaver for TV and computers, or relaxing video of any kind can have on your mood and mindset. Their restorative and transfixing qualities may even form a vital part of everyone’s treatment plan!

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