Which videos and screensavers would you like to see?

Last Updated on April 28, 2014 by Michael Lloyd

We are always looking for new ideas for screensaver videos. We are planning trips abroad for new productions, so any insight about what you would like to see would be great. If you have any requests please comment below.

2 thoughts on “Which videos and screensavers would you like to see?

  1. greg says:

    I would really like to see a Christmas video. Something I could put on my hdtv during Christmas parties and give it that Christmas feel. Something like snow falling with a forest background. I live in California, in the valley, so it would be nice to have a real life picture flowing that makes us feel like we are in the mountains and its a white Christmas.

  2. Michael Lloyd says:

    Hi Greg, we’d love to feature some Christmas videos. It is top of my to-do list. It is hit and miss whether it will snow in the UK so I am toying with a trip to Norway or Iceland so I can film the Northern Lights too. We’ll let you know as soon as any plans are confirmed.

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